Essays New Years Resolutions 2019 - June Edition A new years resolutions post in June? Huh? See my previous post for context. I'm catching up on the backlog and well, better late than never.
Essays New Years Resolutions 2018 I set goals at the beginning of each year, to help keep some direction and track my progress.
Essays Grades don't matter I've often heard - and said - that grades don't matter. What's interesting about this is that two people can both say 'Grades don't matter' and mean completely different things.
Essays Design 101 A talk I gave at work on 'Design' - A somewhat vague concept to many, that is actually more concrete and practical than many expect.
Essays New Years Resolutions Despite it being seen as a silly exercise by some, I like to make a few new years resolutions each year. I do it because I think setting a few goals to try
Essays On the Prisoners Dilemma (Part One) I. The Prisoner's Dilemma is something that you've almost certainly already read about if you have the slightest interest in psychology or economics. When I looked at the half
Essays Just Check Yourself (or, being wrong less) I. With all the post election hubbub, fake news [] is getting a bit of discussion. There are claims going around that the outcome of the election is a
Essays Automation, The Unnecessariat, And The Rise Of Trump I can’t not write about the election and the shocking outcome - four years of Trump. A lot of people are discussing how this could have happened, and what this means. This
Essays A Moral Ladder I was having a conversation this morning in which a friend who happens to enjoy the occasional cannabis use was expressing frustration that he had to hide it from his family. His parents
Essays The Predator (Shopping) Instinct Ever stop to wonder why we, the human race, like shopping so much? It doesn't seem to match with any behaviour or instinct we've evolved over the last millennia.
Essays How to get HD's After last weeks article, I wanted to try to lay out how I go about studying. I'm a HD student, most of the time, so even if my method isn'
Essays Realistically raising your WAM I'm writing this because it's getting towards the end of semester and it's that time when a lot of my friends mention that they're trying
Essays Inverse Archaeology: Sending a message to the future "This place is not a place of honor. No highly esteemed deed is commemorated here. Nothing valued is here. What is here is dangerous and repulsive to us. This place is a
Essays Getting Things Done (with Trello) The Theory I've occasionally had people ask how I manage to get so much done - how I read so much while also working full time, doing uni part time and
Essays Mario Kart 8 Guide - How to win I play a fair bit of Mario Kart, but in my time learning how to play the game I’ve had to figure out my ‘optimal’ way to play by trial and error,
Essays What I'm listening to - 2016 Sometimes people ask me what sort of music I like or listen to. Here's a playlist as of January 2016.
Essays Video Games and Addiction Just reposting content from my old site. This is an essay I wrote in the second year of uni about addiction in video games. Ethics of Video Game Addiction [
Essays Calculus Proofs Essay A couple of proofs I had to do in second year of uni. Ignore the terrible formatting... 2nd yr calc proofs []
Essays COMP2121 ARM vs AVR comparison An essay/report I had to do for COMP2121 comparing ARM vs AVR architectures. Any students out there who stumble upon this, be sensible and don't plagiarise, I didn't