So I've been on a pretty long hiatus from blogging, as a couple of people have noticed. This wasn't due to any lack of things to say, but more a combination of work taking up more time, and a complete pause when I needed to update my blog hosting platform from an old version. I did that in November of 2018. However the migration to a new platform broke pretty much all of the posts in one way or another and I had to manually go through them one by one and fix up links etc.
It was one of the most boring tasks you could possibly imagine but I'm done now. I didn't fix everything - very few people other than myself will ever read through, for example, my eurotrip posts from 2013, and I didn't feel it was worth updating them. Not that they aren't riveting works of artistry (they aren't, please don't look at them), but it's just not something I have the patience for.
So fuck it - here's the new platform! Welcome, enjoy. Some old posts look like garbage - they were made in html and relied on some css classes that no longer exist (that's programmer speak for 'my code broke') - but the majority of them look better and I hope you'll agree the look and feel overall is much nicer, particularly on mobile. I also nixed all the ads - I earned about 20 dollars from ads in 3 years of hosting the old site, and decided this wasn't worth annoying every single visitor to the site.
Hopefully this new platform will let me get back to posting at a slightly increased schedule - I have about 6 months worth of half written posts to finish and publish so that should keep it going for a little while! The new platform is also much easier to write in, so picture-heavy posts which used to take a few afternoons of manually writing html now should take only an afternoon.